
How to benefit of the new Flat Tax System in Italy

Italy’s Flat Tax System is an interesting fiscal initiative for new Residents from abroad. Let’s see how you can take advantage on the very competitive new Italy flat tax system. Italy has approved the flat-tax for non-residentials with high net worth. It is meant to those who intend to transfer their residency to Italy, thus benefiting from a tax on foreign-produced income. The new Italian tax regime...

Brexit: what will happen next

The referendum made the 26th of June 2016 quite an historic day. Since then, basically nothing has changed but understandably people who have already bought a property in the EU or are planning to buy have questions about the possible impact of the result on their lifestyle. This is what we know so far. The UK has two years to prepare the country for the exit from the EU and nothing will change until...

Brexit waters down the housing market in the Uk

The British real estate market collapses because of the fear due to Brexit. And to revive the business, here is an “ad hoc” termination clause. The London housing market, one of the hottest in the world, has experienced a significant slowdown. Since the beginning of the year, the sale of properties in London has dropped by 40% and the cause is the fear for Brexit. As a matter of facts, many Brits fear...

Housing market: +8,4%. Time for a final recovery?

2015 ends happily for the Italian housing market in the third quarter. The sales have in fact increased by 8.4%. Istat therefore confirms the positive results already achieved in the second quarter (+ 6.2%) and reported by Agenzia delle Entrate. While the number of buyers from northern Europe has been quite constant in the last three months, it seems there is a considerable increase in the number of...

European real estate investment activity reaches highest level on record

European investment activity totalled EUR51.5bn in Q3 2015, a 16% increase on the same period a year ago. As a result, rolling annual volumes climbed to EUR237.8bn in the third quarter, the highest level on record and surpassing the previous high of EUR234.6bn in Q3 2007. Magali Marton, joint report author and Research director at Cushman & Wakefield, said: „Investment activity continues to grow...

UK investors urged to invest overseas

The calm before the storm: UK investors urged to invest overseas following Conservatives' slender majority 'Now is the time to think more globally'. This is the message to investors of UK assets by the boss of one of the world's largest independent financial advisory organisations, following early predictions of the Conservatives' effective majority. deVere Group's founder and chief executive, Nigel...

Italian housing market is finally recovering

If the housing market in 2014 gave concrete signs of recovery, in 2015 the increase of transactions will continue, although prices seem to be still falling. Stability will be reached over the next two years. What happened in 2014 The year that we have just left behind, showed concrete signs of recovery for the Italian real estate market. After years of negative trends, the transactions increased by 3.6%....

Expo Milano 2015 drives real estate market

It is hard to determine the impact Expo Milano 2015 World’s Fair has on the ongoing recovery (albeit, slow) in Milan's real estate market. Despite different perceptions, real estate brokers agree that the turmoil due to upcoming World’s Fair in Milan in May has contributed to boosting a sector that has experienced years of severe crisis. The main signs at the national level come as usual from big...

Real Estate Market is recovering after 7 years of fall

2014 officially closed with a growth in real estate sales by 1.6%. Also the disbursement of mortgages is improving, with an increase by 9.2% if compared to the previous year. Turnaround for the housing market in Italy, which is coming back after 7 years of declines: according to ISTAT, 2014 closed with an increase by 1.6% on 2013 and a total of 594,431 sales. The increase covers all geographical areas...

Investing in Italy – Right Time, Right Place!

Italy, a country that you should be looking to invest in! Why? Mention Italy to some people and they all they know about is what the press is telling them about Italy, they often have a perception of a country that has nothing to offer an investor. How wrong they are! Now is the time to invest in Italy, especially if you have the finances for acquisition. Italy has the innovation and technology and now is...

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