Rediscovering The Italian Countryside

“At every step closed shops, factories largely deserted, the streets are an unspeakable spectacle, an incessant course of misery, a perpetual stay of sufferings …”

Thus began the XXVIII chapter of “Promessi Sposi” by Alessandro Manzoni on the plague that afflicted Milan in 1630. Words that are very relevant today, in full coronavirus emergency. At the time of Manzoni, many nobles left the city to take refuge in their estates in the countryside. And it seems to be so even now – in various parts of Italy – four hundred years later.

As a matter of facts, if many people already longed for living in the beautiful Italian countryside, with the pandemic, this trend is certainly increasing. In 2020, compared to 2019, we at Italian Luxury Asset have registered an increase in the number of enquiries of 65% and an increase in the number of transactions of 60%. During the first two months of 2021 the number of enquiries has doubled compared to 2020.

Who’s investing in the Italian countryside?

Above all professionals, oriented towards the buen retiro in the countryside. If with € 700,000.00 / € 800,000.00 you can buy a three-room apartment in the Wimbledon area of London, with the same amount in the Marche region, you can buy a beautiful 300 sqm farmhouse with swimming pool and park of one hectare or more. With additional € 200.000,00 you can get a fine estate in Tuscany.

Besides, if buying a house in the countryside is a fast growing choice, buying a real farm is always a good investment. In the last 5-10 years it’s been registered a great reintegration of young people in the countryside, that have launched small businesses aimed at supporting the new home-owners, with services ranging from cleaning to gardening, to maintenance work at competitive prices.

Many VIPs have also decided to invest in the tranquility of the Italian countryside: Colin Firth has always had a farmhouse in Umbria; Ed Sheeran also recently chose Umbria as his home for relaxing and composing music. Sting has his own farm in Tuscany to which he is very attached and where he goes whenever he can. Johnny Greenwood instead has chosen the quieter Marche, where he takes refuge with his family every time he can.

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